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Applied Improv

Applied Improv For Business

What is improv? Such a good question. Improv is about actively listening and reacting without planning anything in advance. Improv skills help us to be in the moment and to live each moment as it happens. By not pre-preparing we allow ourselves to think quick on our feet, use what is available to us in the moment and not get ‘stuck in our heads’ By using improv we can look at things in a new light and take pre existing knowledge and re arrange it to create a new, fresh perspective. If you ever feels stuck, bored, tongue tied and stiff…improv will loosen you up and allow you to think freely and enjoy the process. Warning…once you get into improv it is very addictive!


Another great question. Through the use of improv skills in business (also known as Applied Improv) you will learn to be more adaptable, how to deal with problems as they happen and to allow yourself to take larger risks. We are often put on the spot and asked to make a decision quickly or to innovate on a pre-existing idea….this can be very intimidating, we are worried about messing up and concerned what our peers/ team mates will think. If there is a great sense of cohesion and support from within the team it means we can leap before we look.

Being creative used to be thought of only for people working in the arts, but now every industry calls for us to create and innovate, to stretch our imagination and to come up with new ideas of doing the same thing. Improv encourages us to be creative and to shine a light on ourselves and our work in a new way. Gaining that fresh perspective makes ‘thinking outside the box’ even easier, if your team is a well oiled machine that plays together and works together then you can encourage each other to be flexible, spontaneous and to communicate freely with each other. The result of team like that can only mean one thing- a team that collaborates, oozes confidence and gets things done!


Basically…for everyone. We have fantastic workshops that have been tried and tested on a variety of topics (see below) but we can also create a bespoke workshop especially for your business needs. You can decide if you want to mix up your teams to create a cohesive team that is on brand, or you can have a specialised workshop for C levels only. Workshops generally work best with between 6- 20 people, if there are more of you in the group then we can bring in another facilitator to work with everyone simultaneously. Just contact us and we can make the best plan for you and your business. If you fancy one on one coaching to work on a specific area of personal development, we can of course help you out…just contact us!

BUSINESS IMPROV: (also known as Applied Improv)

Applied Improv is literally exactly what it sounds like- it is using the techniques and principles of improvisation and applying them to the work place. Kiva teaches workshops for business, she uses the skills of improvisation to help people improve their public speaking, problem solving… to find out more information please contact her on how she can make a bespoke workshop for you and your business.

Bring some humour into your office with clown and playfulness! Kiva and her team bring their many years of clown expertise into your workplace in both Spain and London. Kiva has years of training in performing, public speaking, improvisation and dealing with tricky situations in the most fun way possible. She will work on communication skills, body language, and use of play to add harmony, improve confidence, take smart risks, and overcome failures. Her workshops are completely bespoke start to finish.

Spring into 2020 in style and add some laughter to your workplace.